Practice Single Best Answer Questions for the Final Frca

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Practice Single Best Answer Questions for the Final FRCA: A Revision Guide covers the complete syllabus of this new-style exam. The book includes 10 papers, each of which consists of 30 questions on clinical anaesthesia, intensive care medicine and pain management. Each practice paper matches the style, number and level of questions that candidates will face in their FRCA exam. Written by a group of anaesthetists experienced in teaching clinical anaesthesia and preparing trainees for their exams, every question is supplemented with a thorough explanation, incorporating the latest research and guidelines, and further reading suggestions. The book also includes guidance on how to go about answering single best answer questions. Pitched at just the right level for the exam, Practice Single Best Answer Questions for the Final FRCA: A Revision Guide is an essential resource for all Final FRCA candidates.
download this book free here
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