Practical Vascular Ultrasound: An Illustrated Guide 1st Edition

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Ultrasound is used to demonstrate and classify numerous vascular diseases and provides a firm basis for deciding the most appropriate interventional treatment. Practical Vascular Ultrasound: An Illustrated Guide delivers a hands-on, practical approach to the diagnosis of vascular disease.
Providing an overview of performing vascular ultrasounds, the physiology of blood flow, and vascular pathology, the book explores the various vascular conditions most investigated through ultrasound. Conditions covered range from extracranial cerebrovascular arterial diseases to chronic venous disease in the lower limbs. For each disorder, the authors discuss:
- Anatomy
- Pathology
- Clinical presentations
- Differential diagnosis
- What doctors need to know for each condition
- Normal findings and criteria for disease as seen by ultrasound
- Comprehensive protocols for scanning
- Ultrasound images and observations that should be collected for best practice reporting
The authors also discuss interventional vascular ultrasound procedures. Using easy-to-read, point-form text, this concise text is enhanced with high-resolution ultrasound images and clear line diagrams. It provides a consistent, comprehensive, and professional approach to vascular ultrasound.
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