Practical Pharmacology for the Pharmacy Technician (Lww Pharmacy Technician Education) Pap/Cdr/Ps Edition

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In today’s pharmacy, technicians are increasingly taking on the dispensing functions previously performed by pharmacists. Part of the LWW Pharmacy Technician Education Series, this easy-to-read book prepares technicians for these responsibilities by helping them understand how drugs affect human function.
Focusing on classes of drugs, rather than individual drugs, the book highlights the general principles that apply to all drugs in each class—drug actions, indications, side effects, administration, plus practical information for the pharmacy workplace. Features include Tips for the Technician, case scenarios, and end-of-chapter review questions.
A bound-in CD-ROM and companion Website include chapter quizzes, worksheets, hands-on activities, animations, audio pronunciations, and a searchable online version of the text.
download this book free here
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