Practical Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 1st Edition

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The gynecologic needs of younger patients are variable and complex
Clinicians are often uncomfortable with the gynecologic concerns of young girls and developing women. How can I put the patient at ease? What are the rights of the patient and her parents? How do I ask the questions in a way that allows her to trust me so that I can better understand her medical and social situation?
In Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Dr Hillard has designed a new textbook that puts the patient at the center. It follows the patient’s life and her changing needs as she matures. An emphasis on effective, patient-friendly encounters is the prelude to a sensitive clinical approach to intimate, potentially awkward, clinical challenges. Short, practical chapters provide guidance on the issues rather than an academic treatise.
This ‘in the office’ guide to effective patient care is informed by evidence-based practice and backed by a wealth of practical features:
- Algorithms and guidelines to most effective approaches
- ‘Tips and Tricks’ boxes so you can improve you clinical outcomes
- ‘Caution’ warning boxes so you can avoid complications
- ‘Science Revisited’ boxes give a quick reminder of the basic science principles
Dr Hillard has assembled an expert group of authors to provide straightforward guidance to caring for and reassuring your younger patients and their parents. If you provide clinical care to girls and young women then Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology is designed for you.
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