Physiology for General Surgical Sciences Examination
Physiology for General Surgical Sciences Examination

Physiology for General Surgical Sciences Examination
This book is designed as a learning tool to assist candidates to become familiar with the common, yet often complex, physiology topics covered in the GSSE examination. Its aim is to give candidates ideas to focus their studies in high yield areas. It is specially designed for the GSSE exam, which is a requirement for applying any surgical program in Australia and New Zealand. An important component of the guide is diagrams to aid better understanding of normal human physiology. Great care has been taken to ensure the subject and emphasis of the questions accurately simulates the actual exam.
The book is organized in 5 chapters, totaling 140 pages including colour images, diagrams and tables. This is an accompany book with Anatomy for the Generic Surgical Sciences Examination (GSSE), Springer, 2017, which is written by the same author.
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