Perez & Brady’s Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology (Perez and Bradys Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology) 6th Edition

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Inside the Sixth Edition of this now-classic reference, you will discover encyclopedic coverage of topics ranging from basic science to sophisticated computer-based radiation therapy treatment planning and supportive care. The book’s comprehensive scope and abundantly illustrated format provide you with better understanding of the natural history of cancer, the physical methods of radiation application, the effects of radiation on normal tissues, and the most judicious ways in which you can employ radiation therapy in patient care. Traditionally available as a printed textbook, now it comes with a completely revamped digital experience, powered by Inkling! NEW to the Sixth Edition…site-specific chapters include relevant background information on each tumor – including epidemiology, pathology, diagnostic work-up, prognostic factors, treatment techniques, applications of surgery and chemotherapy, end results, and more; over 1,400 full-color illustrations highlight key concepts in tumor pathogenesis, diagnosis, and targeted radiation therapy; increased emphasis on new approaches and technologies improve your understanding of three-dimensional treatment planning, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, combined modality therapy, and particle therapy; greater emphasis on palliative and supportive care reflects the role of radiation treatment in non-curative roles; new editors and contributors let you benefit from their decades of experience; and, digital version includes the complete text, index-based search, note sharing, regular content updates integrated into the text, and much more. Improve outcomes for your patients…Pick up your copy today.
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