The SAGES Manual of Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This manual provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of this field, and will serve as a valuable resource for adult and pediatric surgeons at all stages of experience with interest in the use of minimally invasive surgical techniques in children.  This book will review the pediatric surgical disorders that are currently treatable with these techniques.  After a basic summary of the disorder, the preoperative evaluation and preparation is presented.  Each chapter focuses on a detailed discussion of the surgical procedure, inclusive of anesthesia, positioning, instrumentation, and materials.  Emphasis is placed on technique and tips for particularly challenging aspects of the operation.  A description of the expected postoperative course and common complications of each procedure follows.  The outcomes literature to include any advances since the original outcomes and expected future advances for the diagnosis and procedure is presented.  It provides a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts.  All chapters are written by experts in their fields and include the most up to date scientific and clinical information.


Recognizing Child Abuse in Radiology 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book is both a personal review of experience in the diagnosis of child abuse and its differential diagnosis, intended to instruct beginners, and a reliable source of information for the more experienced health care provider. Emphasis is placed on normal findings that simulate abuse, true and false diagnoses of metabolic bone disease as the cause of fractures, abusive head trauma, and the problem of zealous abuse-denying “experts.” Plain radiography is emphasized, with appropriate mention of, ultrasound, CT, MRI, – in detecting childhood abuse is clearly explained, and individual chapters focus on neuroradiological evaluation and the radiological assessment of abdominal, thoracic, and subcutaneous abnormalities. Guidance is provided on how to exclude a range of alternative diagnoses, on the documentation of concerns over potential abuse, and on the needs of the clinician in relation to the radiologist. Recognizing Child Abuse in Radiology will be of value for radiologists in training and practice, for health care workers, and for other interested professionals.

About the Author

Alan E. Oestreich, MD, is a pediatric radiologist since 1980 at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is Emeritus Professor of radiology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. From 1972 – 1979 he was pediatric radiologist at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He a Fellow of the American College of Radiology, Honorary Member of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology, emeritus member of the Society for Pediatric Radiology, and past chairman of the Radiology Section of the National Medical Association. He is a member of the Child Abuse Team at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. He has written and lectured extensively on the subject of radiology of child abuse. Among his previous books are An Atlas of Pediatric Orthopedic Radiology, with co-author Alvin Crawford, MD. He received his MD from the Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1965.

Marguerite M. Caré, MD is an assistant professor in the Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Caré joined the CCHMC faculty after completing a pediatric radiology fellowship in 1998 and a pediatric neuroradiology fellowship in 2000 at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. She has been the radiology representative to the multidisciplinary Child Abuse Team at the CCHMC Mayerson Center since 1998 and has recently become the radiology representation to the CCHMC Trauma Surgical Program. Caré has a major interest in the neuroimaging findings in child abuse and has presented at both local and national meetings on this topic. She also has research interests in Tuberous Sclerosis with her neurology colleagues. Caré serves on the CCHMC Radiology Department education committee with a primary role in third year medical student education for the department.


Pediatric Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas (Pediatric Oncology)

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The purpose of this book is to integrate the most re- butions and support of my colleagues and friends cent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pedi- at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical atric bone and soft tissue sarcomas. The book is di- School, St. Jude Children s Research Hospital, and the vided into two major sections, the ?rst of which pres- Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. In particular, I ents salient concepts in epidemiology, the impact of would like to thank Drs. George Buchanan, Charles novel tools in imaging and molecular biology, and the Pratt, William Crist, David Parham, Jim Anderson, underlying principles for continued drug develop- and Larry Kun for their friendship, mentorship, and ment. In the second section, the book embarks on an wisdom. Their teachings will continue to be an e- up-to-date survey of the diagnosis and treatment of less source of passion and inspiration. It is my wish each speci?c disease, with particular emphasis on the that this book will provide answers, guidance and need for an integrative, multidisciplinary approach hope to medical professionals, children, and their to diagnosis and treatment. families. I am indebted to my colleagues and collaborators who have contributed their ideas, time, and kno- edge to this project. I am also grateful for the contri- Alberto Pappo, MD IX Contents 1 Epidemiology of Bone 3 Diagnostic Imaging of Pediatric Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Soft Tissue Sarcomas Logan G. Spector, Julie A. Ross, Thomas D. Henry, Mary E. McCarville, Rajaram Nagarajan


Pediatric Infectious Diseases Revisited (Birkhäuser Advances in Infectious Diseases)

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Starting with historical, epidemiological and sociocultural issues, this book presents clinical and molecular biological aspects of pediatric infectious diseases. The text offers new insights into the pathogenesis of infection, and updates on diagnostics, prevention and treatment of pediatric viral, fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as emerging new pathogens. The book will interest an interdisciplinary audience of clinicians and non-clinicians: pediatricians, infectious disease researchers, virologists, microbiologists and more.


Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Obesity: 49 Clinical Questions (Curbside Consultation in Pediatrics) 1st Edition

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Are you looking for concise, practical answers to those questions that are often left unanswered by traditional pediatric obesity references? Are you seeking brief, evidence-based advice for complicated cases or controversial decisions? Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Obesity: 49 Clinical Questions provides quick answers to the tricky questions most commonly posed during a “curbside consultation” between pediatricians.

Dr. Jeannie Huang has designed this unique reference which offers expert advice, preferences, and opinions on tough clinical questions commonly associated with pediatric obesity. The unique Q&A format provides quick access to current information related to pediatric obesity with the simplicity of a conversation between two colleagues. Numerous images, diagrams, and references allow readers to browse large amounts of information in an expedited fashion.

Some of the questions that are answered:

• How can a primary care practitioner manage obesity?

• My patients often ask me about fad diets for weight loss. What is the bottom line about fad diets – are they benign or do some have associated adverse risks?

• What are some of the behavioral programs available for obese children and how do I choose which would be the most appropriate for my obese patients?

• I am often asked about bariatric surgery. What are the different weight loss surgeries for pediatric patients? What are the important considerations, associated complications, and effectiveness of each type of surgery?

• How do I get reimbursed for delivery of weight management therapies in the office?

• Are there any effective technologies (apps, sensors) available to help pediatric patients lose weight?

Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Obesity: 49 Clinical Questions provides information basic enough for residents while also incorporating expert advice that even high-volume pediatricians will appreciate. Pediatricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and family practitioners will benefit from the user-friendly, casual format and the expert advice contained within.


Pediatric Cancer in Africa: A Case-Based Guide to Diagnosis and Management 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This text is the only book of its kind to provide specific guidance applicable to limited resource settings and builds up from the foundation of general practitioner or general pediatrician competence. Written and edited by leaders in the field, this manual educates physicians on the essential components of the discipline, filtered through the experience of specialists from developing countries, with immediate applicability in the specific healthcare environment in these countries. Typically, manuals of pediatric hematology-oncology are written by specialists from high-income countries, and usually target an audience with a sub-specialist level of training, often assisted by cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment facilities. However, approximately 80% of new cases of cancer in children appear in mid- and low-income countries. Almost invariably, general practitioners or general pediatricians without special training in oncology will look after children with malignancies who enter the health care system in these countries. The diagnostic facilities are usually limited, as are the treatment options. The survival figures in these conditions are somewhere below 20%, while in high-income countries they are in the range of 80% for many childhood cancers. This book includes simplified therapy protocols, pain therapy and palliation, as well as ward procedures such as bone marrow aspiration/biopsies, intravenous therapy and chemotherapy drugs mixing. It provides an overview of pediatric cancer epidemiology, cancer registration and organizing support networks and features the management of cancers with associated pathology like AIDS, malnutrition, malaria and tuberculosis.


Practical Pediatric Cardiology: Case-Based Management of Potential Pitfalls 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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Heart disease in children has a number of diagnostic traps for the unwary, and all of us involved in the specialty have been caught at one time or another. For example, it is sometimes very difficult to differentiate between respiratory and cardiac disease in infants and between neurological and cardiac conditions in older children, and the consequences of taking the wrong path can be significant. This book is a collection of cases highlighting situations which can ensnare even the best cardiologist. Although they illustrate the importance of taking a good history and performing a thorough examination, the most important lesson is learning to keep an open mind and develop the ability to think laterally. As clinicians we need to have the confidence to make a decision for our patients but also the humility to be able to acknowledge that we don’t always get it right first time, and it is imperative that we learn from the experience. We hope the reader will find these short chapters interesting and while they are not evidence-based medicine in the true sense, they do represent a wide range of clinical experience from which we can all learn. ​


Atlas of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 1st ed. 2015 Edition

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The raison d’etre for a new atlas of congenital heart surgery is based on the reality that the specialty has undergone numerous changes in the last few years resulting in improved techniques and new operations. The sheer number of new procedures and the required attendant technical skills to successfully complete an operation has become a challenge to master, especially for residents who are pursuing a career in congenital heart surgery. While the techniques that we are espousing are mostly our own, there is a great deal of similarity amongst international centers owing to the influence of video presentations, manuscript publications, and chapter reviews. We therefore believe that the techniques that are illustrated in this atlas are likely to be similar to the techniques that are taught worldwide to residents and fellows. The atlas is organized generally by diseases and procedures pertaining thereto. Two general sections involve cannulation techniques and palliative procedures, respectively. A special section depicts difficult problems in the form of clinical vignettes that may arise during cardiopulmonary bypass such as: decreased venous return, undiagnosed patent ductus arteriosus, and technical errors leading to hemodynamic complications. The reader is instructed to apply measures that will lead to resolution of these problems. We have chosen procedures, which cover the breadth of congenital heart surgery. While perhaps not totally inclusive, the reader will find the greater majority of congenital heart procedures illustrated and explained in this text.​


Pediatric Orthopedics: Symptoms, Differential Diagnosis, Supplementary Assessment and Treatment 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book presents the most common site-specific pediatric orthopedic problems seen in clinical practice. Detailed discussions of disorders of the chest wall, neck, back, pelvic, upper- and lower limb, leg length discrepancy, abnormal gate, congenital deficiencies, bone and joint infections are included in this comprehensive resource. Operative treatments are discussed throughout the book with the key focus on managing the patient and the use of the conservative approach. As such, the main benefit of this book is as a diagnostic tool to assess children with orthopedic disease.​

Designed to lead the reader from the initial physical examination through to making the most likely diagnosis, there is advice on what additional studies are meaningful, when there is an indication for referral and what advice can be provided for the patient. The value of the book is increased by hundreds of color images, thus making it easily accessible for pediatric orthopedic surgeons, pediatricians, pediatric physiotherapists, podiatrists, pediatricians, rehabilitation specialists and primary care physicians with an interest in the subject.


Manual of Pediatric Nephrology 2014th Edition

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This manual will meet the everyday needs of the wide range of medical professionals who play a role in the treatment of children referred to hospital because of renal disease. It is an easy-to-use, portable guide that will assist pediatricians, residents, and trainees in making prompt first-level management decisions. It will also prove invaluable for the adult nephrologists who care for children in many developing countries, and will serve as a teaching guide for experts when training non-subspecialists. Individual sections are devoted to the evaluation of renal disease; fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders; glomerular diseases; tubular disorders; congenital, inherited, and urological disorders; consequences of renal disease; and miscellaneous topics. The text is in a bulleted format with tables and algorithms wherever possible, making it straightforward and easy to read. An appendix includes further important information such as normal values, drug dosages, and drug nephrotoxicity.


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