Pearls and Pitfalls in Thoracic Imaging: Variants and Other Difficult Diagnoses 1st Edition

Pearls and Pitfalls in Thoracic Imaging: Variants and Other Difficult Diagnoses 1st Edition

How often have you been confronted with an image on a thoracic CT exam where you knew it didn’t look ‘normal’, but you weren’t sure whether it was ‘abnormal’ either? And if it is abnormal, is there a specific diagnosis you should be able to make directly off the images? Pearls and Pitfalls in Thoracic Imaging is your one-stop resource to answer questions such as: Is this a normal variant or a disease-related abnormality? Are these findings specific for an uncommon disease and if so what is the diagnosis? Is this set of findings strongly suggestive of a diagnosis? Which additional imaging test will allow me to be confident in that diagnosis? Could the ‘abnormality’ be due to an artifact mimicking disease? Written by leading thoracic radiologists and with concise, image-rich descriptions, Pearls and Pitfalls in Thoracic Imaging is an invaluable diagnostic tool for every radiologist.



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