Pathophysiology, Physical Assessment, & Pharmacology: Advanced Integrative Clinical Concepts New Edition

Pathophysiology, Physical Assessment, & Pharmacology: Advanced Integrative Clinical Concepts New Edition

<div><b>Integrate the 3Ps for a real-world, holistic approach to nursing care.</b><br> This first-of-its-kind text integrates the 3 Ps&#8212;pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment&#8212;into an integrative whole that reflects the real-world of how students learn and nurses practice. This groundbreaking approach promotes a deeper understanding of these three essential and often challenging content areas, paralleling the importance of integration in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of nursing care. <br><br> Its lifespan approach features six major population-based sections cover the key conditions and disorders that nurses are likely to encounter in practice, reviewing the important pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical exam and assessment information relative to each disorder. Each section concludes with a case study that presents a new disorder relative to the population in that section, reinforcing the authors&#8217; application-focused approach and developing must-have critical-thinking skills.</div>


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