Pathology of Heart Disease in the Fetus, Infant and Child: Autopsy, Surgical and Molecular Pathology
Pathology of Heart Disease in the Fetus, Infant and Child: Autopsy, Surgical and Molecular Pathology

Pathology of Heart Disease in the Fetus, Infant and Child
In recent years, there have been no books published on paediatric cardiac pathology despite enormous developments in genetics, a marked explosion of paediatric transplant programmes, surges in knowledge of fetal cardiac pathology and understanding of congenital heart disease, and the emergence of a flourishing cardiac imaging discipline. This book will be the first unified and comprehensive source of reference for childhood heart disease, covering the full field of paediatric cardiac pathology, in one volume.
Comprising the twenty-five year experience of a single pathologist, the full spectrum of the pathology of heart disease, from the fetus to the adult, is uniquely presented here. Richly illustrated, with over 800 colour photographs, general and paediatric pathologists alike will be able to examine the microscopic features of the conditions described, with a specific focus on metabolic disease for practitioners worldwide.
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