Part 2 MRCOG: 500 EMQs and SBAs

Part 2 MRCOG: 500 EMQs and SBAs

Part 2 MRCOG: 500 EMQs and SBAs
The more you practice, the better you get. Written by an experienced team of Member, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG) question setters, this book contains 500 practice single best answer questions (SBAs) and extended matching questions (EMQs) for candidates undertaking the Part 2 MRCOG examination. It includes detailed explanations and key references to enable candidates to understand the reasoning and knowledge base behind the questions. All modules of the core curriculum are included, and detailed further sources are recommended for the inquisitive learner. The candidate can test their knowledge across the breadth of modules and identify areas for improvement and further revision. Following the 2015 format change to include SBAs, this book equips candidates with a full range of testing to develop familiarity with the format and prepare for high examination standards. Up to date, comprehensive and written by highly experienced examiners, this is a crucial resource for all Part 2 MRCOG candidates.
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