Retinopathy of Prematurity: Current Diagnosis and Management 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This clinically oriented book is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a leading cause of childhood blindness. World-renowned experts in the field discuss epidemiologic and pathogenic aspects of the disease. The staging and classification of ROP are explained in detail, and guidance is provided on appropriate anesthesia. The state of the art in imaging of ROP is described and illustrated, with coverage of the advances in ophthalmic imaging technology and telemedicine that have revolutionized pediatric retinal examinations and contributed significantly in elucidating the pathophysiology of ROP and improving diagnosis and treatment. Treatment indications and therapeutic alternatives, including the use of antiproliferative drugs, are addressed in separate chapters, supplying the reader with the most up-to-date knowledge in the field.


Metallomics: Recent Analytical Techniques and Applications 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book focuses on recent topics in metallomics, a study of the metallome, or metal-containing biomolecules. Metals can induce various physiological and toxicological effects in a very small amounts, in other words, the concentrations of biometals are very low in organisms. Thus, analytical techniques for a trace amount of metal are crucial to understand the biological and toxicological functions of metals.This volume begins with an overview of metallomics including the history and development of the field. Subsequent parts provide basic and advanced techniques for metallomics. Speciation and imaging of metals are basic approaches to reveal the function of the metallome. The applications of speciation using an HPLC hyphenated with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LC-ICP-MS) and flow cytometry ICP-MS are described. As advanced approaches, the applications using a micro-flow injection-ICP-MS, an ICP-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, an ICP-sector field mass spectrometer, and an ICP-multi-collector mass spectrometer are mentioned. For the imaging of metals, basic principles and applications of several techniques such as scanning X-ray fluorescence microscopy and ICP-MS equipped with laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS) are presented. Speciation analyses using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) are also introduced. The last part highlights the medical and pharmaceutical applications of metallomics. Molecular biological approaches to reveal the effects of toxic metals, metal functions in brain and neurodegenerative diseases, and metallodrugs are explained. The topic of metal transporters is also presented.


GI Surgery Annual: Volume 22 1st ed. 2015 Edition

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The twenty-second volume of GI Surgery Annual covers a gamut of topics from oesophageal adenocarcinoma, to motility disorders of the colon and rectum, mesenteric tumours as well as the contemporary technique of ALPPS, acute portal vein thrombosis and small for size syndrome in live donor liver transplant.

The chapter on advances in gastrointestinal surgery as every year reviews the important new information in the field in an easy to understand manner.


Atlas of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 1st ed. 2015 Edition

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The raison d’etre for a new atlas of congenital heart surgery is based on the reality that the specialty has undergone numerous changes in the last few years resulting in improved techniques and new operations. The sheer number of new procedures and the required attendant technical skills to successfully complete an operation has become a challenge to master, especially for residents who are pursuing a career in congenital heart surgery. While the techniques that we are espousing are mostly our own, there is a great deal of similarity amongst international centers owing to the influence of video presentations, manuscript publications, and chapter reviews. We therefore believe that the techniques that are illustrated in this atlas are likely to be similar to the techniques that are taught worldwide to residents and fellows. The atlas is organized generally by diseases and procedures pertaining thereto. Two general sections involve cannulation techniques and palliative procedures, respectively. A special section depicts difficult problems in the form of clinical vignettes that may arise during cardiopulmonary bypass such as: decreased venous return, undiagnosed patent ductus arteriosus, and technical errors leading to hemodynamic complications. The reader is instructed to apply measures that will lead to resolution of these problems. We have chosen procedures, which cover the breadth of congenital heart surgery. While perhaps not totally inclusive, the reader will find the greater majority of congenital heart procedures illustrated and explained in this text.​


Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy: A Step-by-Step Guide 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book explains the development of various laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (LDN) techniques, which can be performed via the retroperitoneal or the transperitoneal approach. It provides a step-by-step explanation of LDN, including details of intricacies such as port positioning, dissection steps, securing the hilum and retrieval. It also reviews new techniques like robotic donor nephrectomy and single-port donor nephrectomy. Lastly, it explores the non-technical but equally important issues of donor work-up and legal and social aspects.

LDN is a unique surgical procedure in which the surgeon operates on an individual who is not a patient but someone donating out of altruistic motives, and it has to be “zero error” for the safety of the graft, donor and the recipient. This handbook is a valuable resource for urologists, general and transplant surgeons as well as anesthesiologists and medical social workers working in the field.


101 Questions About Blood and Circulation: With Answers Straight From the Heart

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Asks and answers questions about heart, blood, and circulatory system. Appropriate for middle school, high school, and non-physician adults. Includes information on heart action, palpitations, heart attacks, leeches, transplants, blood chemistry, and the importance of diet, exercise, and not smoking in maintain cardiovascular health


The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook 1st Edition

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The Orthodontic Mini-Implant Clinical Handbook is the must-have book for trainee and practicing orthodontists. It provides the essential theoretical and clinical mini-implant information to enable the clinician to easily introduce skeletal anchorage into their practice across a wide variety of common clinical scenarios.

The initial chapters cover general principles with subsequent chapters employing a step-by-step approach to guide the novice through the most common clinical uses for orthodontic mini-implants including: incisor retraction, molar distalisation, transverse and asymmetry corrections, and orthognathic surgery uses.


Metabolic Syndrome and Neurological Disorders 1st Edition

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Metabolic Syndrome and Neurological Disorders brings together information on the cluster of common pathologies which cause metabolic syndrome – abdominal obesity linked to an excess of visceral fat, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension – to provide a comprehensive and cutting edge exploration of the link between metabolic syndrome and neurological disorders.

Metabolic syndrome is recognized to play a role in neurological disorders such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression. For the first time in book form, Metabolic Syndrome and Neurological Disorders covers the molecular mechanisms thought to underlie this mirror relationship, as well as how lifestyle and other factors such as oxidative stress and inflammation may play a role in the disease. Grounded in a series of epidemiological studies of metabolic-cognitive syndrome, this book will be a valuable reference for researchers, dietitians, nutritionists, and physicians.


Forensic Microbiology (Forensic Science in Focus) 1st Edition

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Forensic Microbiology focuses on newly emerging areas of microbiology relevant to medicolegal and criminal investigations: postmortem changes, establishing cause of death, estimating postmortem interval, and trace evidence analysis. Recent developments in sequencing technology allow researchers, and potentially practitioners, to examine microbial communities at unprecedented resolution and in multidisciplinary contexts. This detailed study of microbes facilitates the development of new forensic tools that use the structure and function of microbial communities as physical evidence.

Chapters cover:

  • Experiment design
  • Data analysis
  • Sample preservation
  • The influence of microbes on results from autopsy, toxicology, and histology
  • Decomposition ecology
  • Trace evidence

This diverse, rapidly evolving field of study has the potential to provide high quality microbial evidence which can be replicated across laboratories, providing spatial and temporal evidence which could be crucial in a broad range of investigative contexts.  This book is intended as a resource for students, microbiologists, investigators, pathologists, and other forensic science professionals.


Leukaemia Diagnosis 5th Edition

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Written by a renowned expert this practical guide had been fully revised and updated. The book covers recent advances in the fields of immunophenotyping, cytogenetics and molecular genetics. It illustrates how laboratory techniques are used for the diagnosis and classification of leukaemia and includes images of abnormal cells to aid diagnosis.

This fifth edition:

  • Incorporates the recommendations of the 2015 WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues
  • Includes 300 high quality full colour digital images of abnormal cells in leukaemia and lymphoma
  • Full colour diagrams and helpful tables clarify and summarise key points throughout

Essential reading for every haematologist and haematopathologist.


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