Paediatric Radiology Rapid Reporting for FRCR Part 2B

Paediatric Radiology Rapid Reporting for FRCR Part 2B
This book provides readers with a comprehensive evaluation of paediatric radiographs in preparation for the demanding Rapid Reporting component of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) Part 2B examination, where the margin between pass and fail is very narrow. While other resources may include only a handful of paediatric images in a practice reporting packet, this book is dedicated solely to improving paediatric reporting skill and knowledge. It is designed to address an important deficiency identified in the FRCR Part 2B Examiners’ Report, in that “many candidates struggle with interpretation of paediatric imaging – even for common paediatric pathologies”. The ten practice tests presented, each with 30 images, will assist readers not only in passing the examination but also in the real world when they have to report paediatric radiographs independently. The range of cases covered, from neonate to adolescent, delivers a sound knowledge of both common paediatric fracture patterns and patterns which are subtler but require a definitive answer as to whether they are normal or abnormal. Guidance is also provided on how to describe each abnormality.
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