Oxford Textbook of Neuromuscular Disorders (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology) 1st Edition

Oxford Textbook of Neuromuscular Disorders (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology) 1st Edition

Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology series, the Oxford Textbook of Neuromuscular Disorders covers the scientific basis, clinical diagnosis, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders with a particular focus on the most clinically relevant disorders. The book is organized into seven sections, starting with the general approach to the patient with neuromuscular disorders and then focusing on specific neuromuscular conditions affecting the peripheral nervous system from its origins at the spinal cord anterior horn on its outward course to their effector muscles and the inbound sensory pathways. Chapters on specific neuromuscular conditions are illustrated with typical case histories and their presenting features, allowing readers to put rarer conditions into their clinical context more easily. The concurrent online version allows access to the full content of the textbook, contains links from the references to primary research journal articles, allows full text
searches, and provides access to figures and tables that can be downloaded to PowerPointRG.
This textbook will serve as a useful reference for neurologists and specialist trainees in neurology, neuroscientists, neurophysiologists, and other healthcare professionals.


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