Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure Online (Oxford Textbooks in Cardiology) 1st Edition

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The Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure takes the reader from an understanding of the basic mechanisms of heart failure, through to an appreciation of the complexities of heart failure management and the improvements possible with good treatment. Written by internationally renowned leaders in the field, this definitive textbook comprehensively covers all aspects necessary to manage a patient with heart failure, and is essential reading for consultant cardiologists, those in training, general physicians and those caring of the elderly, cardiothoracic surgeons, primary care doctors, pharmacists, and specialist nurses.
The online version of the Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure contains the full text of the print edition (which can be browsed by the contents list or searched), links from references in the text to external sources (via PubMed, ISI, and CrossRef), and over 300 figures and illustrations from the print edition, downloadable into PowerPoint.
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