Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 2nd Edition

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Now fully revised and updated with the latest guidelines, this new edition of the Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics is a compact guide to all aspects of acute and chronic pediatrics. The handbook’s team of specialist contributors and editors have successfully condensed many years of clinical experience into a pocket-sized compendium of clinical problems and treatment options. Taking a child-centred approach to the subject, the authors have provided comprehensive coverage of areas such as neonatology, surgery, genetics and congenital malformations, and child protection in a user-friendly and succinct style. Sections are also devoted to covering the treatment of children in the community, and the psychological effects of illness on both the child and their family. All chapters have been updated for this new edition, with completely overhauled chapters on neurology and respiratory medicine, the latest management guidelines on inherited metabolic disease, further information on medical and research ethics, and enhanced usage of diagnostic and treatment algorithms. With practical advice and space for personalized notes, this handbook will be invaluable to all those involved in the care of the younger patient.
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