Oxford Handbook of Neurology (Oxford Handbooks Series) 1st Edition

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The Oxford Handbook of Neurology is a practical and concise, quick reference guide for use on the ward and in clinical settings. It includes a wealth of information and invaluable clinical guidance passed down by generations of neurologists, but not often available in textbooks. The first section deals with taking a neurological history and examination, including the skills necessary to make a neurological assessment. The second section serves as a useful reference of neuroanatomy with neurological diagrams of the brachial and lumbosacral plexuses as well as the individual peripheral nerves in the limbs, dermatomes and cross-sectional views of the brain stem and skull. Section three outlines differential diagnoses and investigations for common neurological presentations such as headache, loss of consciousness and acute focal neurological deficit. The fourth section covers prevalence, pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations and management of neurological conditions including stroke, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Further sections deal with head injury, tumours, neuroradiology, and neurophysiology including EEG, nerve conduction tests, EMG, and evoked potentials giving indications and abnormalities. The handbook also contains useful guidelines, laboratory tests and how to interpret results, information on patient support groups, neurological eponyms, useful addresses and neurological disability scales in common use. This is the essential handbook for neurologists in training and in practice, and all those involved in the care of patients with neurological disorders. It should find a place in the hands of all those caring for neurological patients.
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