Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

Revised for its second edition to include the latest national and international guidelines, the Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine continues to be the essential resource forexpedition medics and all well-informed travellers, including gap-year students. Clear and concise, readers can rely on this handbook to provide the knowledge and practical advice they need. It enables efficient preparation and planning before the journey, advises on camp logistics, risk management, and medical problems during the trip, as well as highlighting rare but important risks to those visiting remote areas. Focusing on preventative measures, the handbook also contains chapters dealing with crisis management, emergency care, and evacuation from challenging environments. Now containing more guidance about the obligations of a clinician joining an expedition, and the ethical approach to such work, the second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine also provides an increased emphasis on medicine in various extreme environments. With revised and additional illustrations, more colour plates, and an increased use of important algorithms, this edition will give you the confidence and skills you need to travel to any extreme or remote environment. Updated with the support of the Royal Geographical Society, and incorporating the combined knowledge and experience of a team of experienced clinicians and expeditioners, this is a practical, easy-to-use guide to all aspects of expedition and wilderness medicine. Anyone who might ever step into the natural countryside, away from tarmac or gravelled paths, to seek the freedom and beauty of unspoiled nature needs to be aware of the content of this book, to enhance their enjoyment, and minimise the risk of pursuing adventurous travel.



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