Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 4th Edition

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The Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme returns for a new edition with clear and thorough clinical guidance and honest advice to help you excel in your first two years as a doctor.
This edition has been fully updated in line with the latest guidelines from NICE, Resuscitation Council UK, and the British Thoracic Society among others. This book gives you practical, step-by-step guidance on everything from neurological to gastroenterological presentations. Emergency presentations are highlighted in red and indexed on the inside front cover to give you fast access to the information you need. This edition also includes a fully revised chapter on pharmacopeia with references to the British National Formularly, as well as chapters on practical procedures and interpreting results.
The Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme is also a unique resource for things they don’t teach you at medical school about being a doctor and life on the wards. The authors have drawn on their own experiences and careful research to help you understand issues ranging from your pay and pension, stress and workplace relations, paperwork, and career development.
This is an excellent resource for Foundation Programme trainees and medical students preparing themselves for life as a doctor. With this pocket-sized guide at your side you’ll never be alone on the wards again.
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