Orthopedic Rehabilitation Clinical Advisor, 1e 1st Edition

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Access the information you need to confidently diagnose and treat musculoskeletal disorders at a glance! With a “5-books-in-1” approach, this essential clinical reference provides up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic information on over 200 orthopedic conditions in a bulleted, quick-reference format ideal for both students and practitioners. Content is written entirely by orthopedic physical therapists and is logically organized to promote accurate, efficient differential diagnosis and intervention.
- ‘5-books-in-1’ format combines essential content on foundational knowledge, clinical reasoning, orthopedic pathologies, common clinical questions, and pharmacology all in one place for fast, efficient reference.
- UNIQUE: Expert insight and decision-making strategies for the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pathologies help you apply sound clinical reasoning to determine the needs of patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
- UNIQUE: Succinct, bulleted text organizes information consistently for easy access.
- Clinician-oriented profiles cover 200 orthopedic pathologies with considerations specific to your needs in orthopedic rehabilitation practice.
- 51 drug class monographs detail indications, dosages, contraindications and physical therapy implications to help you better understand drug interactions and more effectively manage patients.
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