Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery 2nd Edition
Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery 2nd Edition

Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery 2nd Edition
This book demonstrates why oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery represents such an exciting tool for surgeons who undertake breast surgery. Fundamental principles and basic concepts are clearly outlined, and numerous techniques are presented by acknowledged experts from across the world. The emphasis is very much on a “how to do” approach, with detailed guidance and advice on the various techniques. The informative text is supported by a wealth of color illustrations, and accompanying videos of procedures can be accessed via the publisher’s website.
This second edition of Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery has been completely revised and updated. More than 25 additional chapters have been included, and new videos of surgeries made available, with the aim of making this already very successful book truly comprehensive, and the most complete reference on the subject – a true classic. The new edition entails close collaboration between some of the most important centers for breast cancer treatment and research worldwide. It will be an ideal resource for surgical fellows and specialists wishing to learn about indications and the selection of patients, to master technical skills, and to manage complications effectively.
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