Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy 9th Edition

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This versatile text, now in its ninth edition, offers a concise, practical approach to health care nutrition. Key updates include the latest developments in nutrition fundamentals, nutrition across the life span, and the nutritional management of chronic and acute illnesses. Focused coverage makes this resource perfect for shorter nutrition courses
- Full-color illustrations and colored charts increase visual appeal.
- Chapter topics begin each chapter to make students aware of key content that will be covered.
- Objectives help focus learning on essential content.
- Terms to Identify at the beginning of each chapter emphasize pertinent terminology covered throughout.
- Major headings in question format cue students to the questions that will be answered in the following section.
- Facts and Fallacies identify common myths about nutrition and present the facts to help students better understand the subject matter.
- Teaching Pearls give students practical counseling tips for the applications of nutrition concepts.
- Critical Thinking Case Studies help students apply concepts to clinical practice.
- Chapter Study Questions and Classroom Activities at the end of each chapter present students with opportunities to review and discuss content.
- A chapter on Insulin Resistance Syndrome covers the current knowledge of this syndrome as it relates to common health conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and Type 2 diabetes.
- Content has been streamlined to provide the most relevant information and fit the needs of shorter courses.
- Expanded coverage is included on supplements, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and herbal products.
- New USDA Dietary Guidelines are provided.
- The new Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), which will soon replace the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs), are discussed.
- All appendices have been fully updated to present the most current content.
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