Noninvasive Radiologic Diagnosis of Extracranial Vascular Pathologies
Noninvasive Radiologic Diagnosis of Extracranial Vascular Pathologies

Noninvasive Radiologic Diagnosis of Extracranial Vascular Pathologies
This book is a state of the art guide to the diagnosis of extracranial vascular pathologies with modern noninvasive neuroimaging and vascular imaging techniques. The opening sections provide a thorough introduction to arterial and venous anatomy, basic hemodynamics, and the principles of noninvasive vascular diagnostics, including by means of color Doppler ultrasound, CT and CT angiography (356- and 640-slice systems), and MRI and MR angiography (1.5 and 3 T). The main body of the book is devoted to the use of these methods to image cerebral ischemia and a wide variety of extracranial arterial and venous anomalies and pathologies. Neuroimaging and vascular imaging diagnostic criteria are clearly identified with the aid of many high-quality images, and the advantages and disadvantages of each modality for each pathology are explained. Information is also presented on etiology, pathophysiology, and other relevant aspects. A concluding section discusses the role of complementary noninvasive functional tests. The book will be a valuable resource for neurologists, angiologists, neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, trainees, and all physicians who care for patients with cerebrovascular diseases.
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