Neurological Case Histories (Oxford Case Histories) 1st Edition

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This book is a collection of over 50 case histories of patients with predominantly acute neurological illness, with particular emphasis on conditions that present to physicians in both acute general (Internal) medicine and neurology, including headache, encephalopathy and altered consciousness, behavioural disturbance, seizures and focal deficits. The majority of the cases have endocrine, vascular, infectious or metabolic aetiologies and include examples of common conditions presenting in unusual ways. The differential diagnosis in such cases is often broad but rapid diagnosis and treatment is often paramount. Each case is outlined in brief and is followed by several questions on clinically important aspects of the diagnosis and management. The answers are accompanied by a detailed discussion of the differential diagnosis, together with other clinically important aspects of the condition. The text is complimented by over 170 radiographic illustrations. The question-and-answer format is designed to enhance the reader’s diagnostic ability and clinical understanding.
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