Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems

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Now in its 25th year, this best-selling work is the only neuroanatomy atlas to integrate neuroanatomy and neurobiology with extensive clinical information. It combines full-color anatomical illustrations with over 200 MRI, CT, MRA, and MRV images to clearly demonstrate anatomical-clinical correlations.
This edition contains many new MRI/CT images and is fully updated to conform toTerminologia Anatomica. Fifteen innovative new color illustrations correlate clinical images of lesions at strategic locations on pathways with corresponding deficits in Brown-Sequard syndrome, dystonia, Parkinson disease, and other conditions. The question-and-answer chapter contains over 235 review questions, many USMLE-style.
Interactive Neuroanatomy, Version 3,an online component packaged with the atlas, contains new brain slice series, including coronal, axial, and sagittal slices.
Download this book free here
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