Molecular and Cellular Mechanobiology (Physiology in Health and Disease) 1st ed. 2016 Edition


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This book will cover the cutting-edge developments in molecular and cellular mechanobiology to date. Readers will have a clear understanding of mechanobiology at the molecular and cellular levels, encompassing the mechanosensors, transducers, and transcription. An integrative approach across different scales from molecular sensing to mechanotransduction and gene modulation for physiological regulation of cellular functions will be explored, as well as applications to pathophysiological states in disease. A comprehensive understanding of the roles of physicochemical microenvironment and intracellular responses in determining cellular function in health and disease will also be discussed.

download this book free here

Big Data Analytics in Genomics 1st ed. 2016 Edition


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This contributed volume explores the emerging intersection between big data analytics and genomics. Recent sequencing technologies have enabled high-throughput sequencing data generation for genomics resulting in several international projects which have led to massive genomic data accumulation at an unprecedented pace.  To reveal novel genomic insights from this data within a reasonable time frame, traditional data analysis methods may not be sufficient or scalable, forcing the need for big data analytics to be developed for genomics. The computational methods addressed in the book are intended to tackle crucial biological questions using big data, and are appropriate for either newcomers or veterans in the field.
This volume offers thirteen peer-reviewed contributions, written by international leading experts from different regions, representing Argentina, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Spain, and the USA.  In particular, the book surveys three main areas: statistical analytics, computational analytics, and cancer genome analytics. Sample topics covered include: statistical methods for integrative analysis of genomic data, computation methods for protein function prediction, and perspectives on machine learning techniques in big data mining of cancer. Self-contained and suitable for graduate students, this book is also designed for bioinformaticians, computational biologists, and researchers in communities ranging from genomics, big data, molecular genetics, data mining, biostatistics, biomedical science, cancer research, medical research, and biology to machine learning and computer science.  Readers will find this volume to be an essential read for appreciating the role of big data in genomics, making this an invaluable resource for stimulating further research on the topic.

Disability in the Global South: The Critical Handbook (International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice) 1st ed. 2016 Edition


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This first-of-its kind volume spans the breadth of disability research and practice specifically focusing on the global South. Established and emerging scholars alongside advocates adopt a critical and interdisciplinary stance to probe, challenge and shift common held social understandings of disability in established discourses, epistemologies and practices, including those in prominent areas such as global health, disability studies and international development. Motivated by decolonizing approaches, contributors carefully weave the lived and embodied experiences of disabled people, families and communities through contextual, cultural, spatial, racial, economic, identity and geopolitical complexities and heterogeneities.


Dispatches from Ghana, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Venezuela among many others spotlight the complex uncertainties of modern geopolitics of coloniality; emergent forms of governance including neoliberal globalization, war and conflicts; the interstices of gender, race, ethnicity, space and religion; structural barriers to redistribution and realization of rights; and processes of disability representation. This handbook examines in rigorous depth, established practices and discourses in disability including those on development, rights, policies and practices, opening a space for critical debate on hegemonic and often unquestioned terrains.


BizTalk 2013 EDI for Health Care: HIPAA-Compliant 834 (Enrollment) and 837 (Claims) Solutions 2nd ed. Edition


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BizTalk 2013 EDI for Healthcare – EDI 834Enrollment Solutions eliminates the complexity anddemonstrates how to build both inbound and outbound EDI 834 processes inBizTalk server that follow the required patterns for integrations with theseexchanges. Archiving, mapping,reconstituting EDI 837 data, exception handling and advanced logging andreporting (without the need for BAM!) are all covered in enough detail to allowyou to implement your own fully functional solution.

The Affordable CareAct and the requirements to integrate with state Exchanges have securedBizTalk’s role with integrations within the healthcare industry. EDI 834 documents are the heart to allintegrations, dealing with enrollment and the maintenance of enrollments. In order to successfully integrate with theexchanges, companies are required to implement a number of architectural componentsthat can be daunting and complex to work through. High-quality resources for IT professional to handle these challenges are sorely needed, and this resource has been designed to provide concise solutions.



Toxins and Contaminants in Indian Food Products 1st ed. 2017 Edition


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This book discusses different aspects of contamination in Indian food products. Particular attention is given to the presence and analytical detection of detrimental substances such as pesticides, mycotoxins and other biologically-produced toxins, food chemicals and additives with natural or industrial origin. Furthermore, the book addresses the production and the commercial exploitation of native botanical ingredients, and the question if such ingredients should be regarded as foods or drugs. It also sheds light on chemical aspects of organic farming practices in India. Readers will also find information on pesticides and other detrimental chemicals detection in Indian farming. The authors present a useful opinion on how and why food contaminants can lead to border rejections during export, in particular to the European Union.



Clinician’s Guide to Medical Writing 1st Edition


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This book is for any clinician who wants to write. It is for the physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner who sees patients and also wants to contribute to the medical literature. It is for the assistant professor aspiring to promotion and the clinician in private practice seeking personal enrichment. Loaded with practical advice and real-world examples, this text benefits readers who are new to medical writing and those who have authored a few articles or chapters and want to improve. Readers relate to this book because it is written by someone who has been in their shoes. Dr. Robert B. Taylor is a leader in the field of family medicine. Unlike the authors of many other books who have little experience outside of academia or publishing, writing is just one component of his career. He wrote this book to share what works and what doesn’t in medical writing. Clinicians learn how to translate observations and ideas from their practices into written form and eventually into print.



Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience, Second Edition 2nd Edition


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Turn to the classic primer of Molecular Neuroscience for a complete understanding of nervous system function and its relationship to human neurologic disorders

A Doody’s Core Title for 2011!

“This is an outstanding new introductory textbook on neuropharmacology and its implications for cognitive neuroscience. Anyone who wants to keep abreast of this rapidly emerging science needs to learn the fundamentals which this book would help facilitate. I highly recommend it.”–Doody’s Review Service

Molecular Neuropharmacology offers a clear, thorough explanation of the molecular functioning of the nervous system in normal and disease states. More than three hundred concept-clarifying full-color illustrations along with didactic text boxes provide an in-depth understanding of nerve cell receptors, their effectors and second messenger targets, and the molecular genetics that are often impacted by these systems. You will also learn how malfunction of these molecular systems relates to human disease and the corresponding medical treatment.

Molecular Neuropharmacology is the most relevant, well-written resource available to help you make the connection between neuropharmacology and clinical neuroscience.

Numerous figures and didactic boxes help you understand and remember complex subject matter for efficient, on-the-spot review. The book’s all-inclusive, high-yield coverage includes:

  • The fundamentals of neuropharmacology
  • Neural substrates of drug action
  • The neuropharmacology of specific functions and disorders–encompassing control of movement, mood and emotion, memory and dementia, and other vital areas
  • NEW! A streamlined redesign that makes the book even more practical and accessible than ever
  • NEW! More illustrations–all 300 now in full color!


Basic Math for Nursing and Allied Health 1st Edition


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Don’t let your fear of math hold you back from a rewarding career in nursing or allied health!

Basic Math for Nursing and Allied Health uses an easy-to-understand building-block approach designed to teach you how to correlate basic math concepts with everyday activities and eventually master the more complex calculations and formulas used by nursing and allied health professionals. This unique text walks you through essential math topics from Arabic and Roman numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentage, ratios and proportions, to conversion factors between household and metric measurements.

Case studies used throughout the book not only demonstrate the mathematical concepts related to everyday activities and events, but also show you how to effectively use case studies to master the art of interpreting story problems. Basic Math for Nursing and Allied Health is written by an author team with extensive experience in many different healthcare fields including: pharmacy technology, medical assisting, nursing, emergency medical technology, anesthesia technology, patient care technology, and laboratory technology, as well as allied health instruction and education.

Powerful learning aids help you understand and retain key concepts:

  • “Recipes for Success” case study scenarios show how mathematical concepts and formulas can be applied to real-life situations
  • “Manual Math” tips and reminder boxes reinforce your confidence and knowledge
  • Key Terms provides definitions of must-know words and phrases
  • Chapter Openers and Chapter Summaries pinpoint must-know takeaways of each chapter
  • Practice equations after each concept sharpen your math skills
  • End-of-Chapter practice tests help you decide whether you should progress to the next chapter
  • Comprehensive review and final exam pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses


Breakthrough!: How the 10 Greatest Discoveries in Medicine Saved Millions and Changed Our View of the World (FT Press Science) 1st Edition


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Why are you alive right now? Chances are, you owe your life to one of the remarkable medical discoveries in this book. Maybe it was vaccines. Or antibiotics. Or X-rays. Revolutionary medical breakthroughs like these haven’t just changed the way we treat disease, they’ve transformed how we understand ourselves and the world we live in. In Breakthrough! How the 10 Greatest Discoveries in Medicine Saved Millions and Changed Our View of the World, Jon Queijo tells the hidden stories behind history’s most amazing medical discoveries. This isn’t dry history: These are life-and-death mysteries uncovered, tales of passionate, often-mocked individuals who stood their ground and were proven right. From germs to genetics, the ancient Hippocrates to the cutting edge, these are stories that have changed the world–and, quite likely, saved your life.


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