Basic Math for Nursing and Allied Health 1st Edition

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Don’t let your fear of math hold you back from a rewarding career in nursing or allied health!
Basic Math for Nursing and Allied Health uses an easy-to-understand building-block approach designed to teach you how to correlate basic math concepts with everyday activities and eventually master the more complex calculations and formulas used by nursing and allied health professionals. This unique text walks you through essential math topics from Arabic and Roman numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentage, ratios and proportions, to conversion factors between household and metric measurements.
Case studies used throughout the book not only demonstrate the mathematical concepts related to everyday activities and events, but also show you how to effectively use case studies to master the art of interpreting story problems. Basic Math for Nursing and Allied Health is written by an author team with extensive experience in many different healthcare fields including: pharmacy technology, medical assisting, nursing, emergency medical technology, anesthesia technology, patient care technology, and laboratory technology, as well as allied health instruction and education.
Powerful learning aids help you understand and retain key concepts:
- “Recipes for Success” case study scenarios show how mathematical concepts and formulas can be applied to real-life situations
- “Manual Math” tips and reminder boxes reinforce your confidence and knowledge
- Key Terms provides definitions of must-know words and phrases
- Chapter Openers and Chapter Summaries pinpoint must-know takeaways of each chapter
- Practice equations after each concept sharpen your math skills
- End-of-Chapter practice tests help you decide whether you should progress to the next chapter
- Comprehensive review and final exam pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses
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