Pharmacology and Pathophysiology of the Control of Breathing (Lung Biology in Health and Disease)

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Exploring the functional anatomy and physiology of the ventilatory control system from the intracellular to the integrative level, this references serves as the first source to offer comprehensive coverage of the influences of various pharmacological agents on the control of breathing.


Understanding Prevention for HIV Positive Gay Men: Innovative Approaches in Addressing the AIDS Epidemic 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This innovative collection offers a wide-ranging palette of psychological, public health, and sociopolitical approaches toward addressing the multi-level prevention needs of gay men living with HIV and AIDS. This book advances our understanding of comprehensive health care, risk and preventive behaviors, sources of mental distress and resilience, treatment adherence, and the experiences of gay men’s communities such as communities of color, youth, faith communities, and the house ball community. Interventions span biomedical, behavioral, structural, and technological approaches toward critical goals, including bolstering the immune system, promoting safer sexual practices, reducing HIV-related stigma and discrimination, and eliminating barriers to care. The emphasis throughout these diverse chapters is on evidence-based, client-centered practice, coordination of care, and inclusive, culturally responsive services.

Included in the coverage:

  • Comprehensive primary health care for HIV positive gay men
  • From pathology to resiliency: understanding the mental health of HIV positive gay men
  • Emerging and innovative prevention strategies for HIV positive gay men
  • Understanding the developmental and psychosocial needs of HIV positive gay adolescent males
  • Social networks of HIV positive gay men: their role and importance in HIV prevention
  • HIV positive gay men, health care, legal rights, and policy issues


Understanding Prevention for HIV Positive Gay Men will interest academics, researchers, prevention experts, practitioners, and policymakers in public health. It will also be important to research organizations, nonprofit organizations, and clinical agencies, as well as graduate programs related to public health, consultation, and advocacy.


Neural Mechanisms of Language (Innovations in Cognitive Neuroscience) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This important volume brings together significant findings on the neural bases of spoken language –its processing, use, and organization, including its phylogenetic roots. Employing a potent mix of conceptual and neuroimaging-based approaches, contributors delve deeply into specialized structures of the speech system, locating sensory and cognitive mechanisms involved in listening and comprehension, grasping meanings and storing memories. The novel perspectives revise familiar models by tracing linguistic interactions within and between neural systems, homing in on the brain’s semantic network, exploring the neuroscience behind bilingualism and multilingual fluency, and even making a compelling case for a more nuanced participation of the motor system in speech. From these advances, readers have a more three-dimensional picture of the brain―its functional epicenters, its connections, and the whole―as the seat of language in both wellness and disorders.

Included in the topics:

·         The interaction between storage and computation in morphosyntactic processing.

·         The role of language in structure-dependent cognition.

·         Multisensory integration in speech processing: neural mechanisms of cross-modal after-effect.

·         A neurocognitive view of the bilingual brain.

·         Causal modeling: methods and their application to speech and language.

·         A word in the hand: the gestural origins of language.

Neural Mechanisms of Language presents a sophisticated mix of detail and creative approaches to understanding brain structure and function, giving neuropsychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, developmental psychologists, cognitive psychologists, and speech/language pathologists new windows onto the research shaping their respective fields.


Triggerpoints and Muscle Chains in Osteopathy (Complementary Medicine (Thieme Hardcover)) 1st Edition

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Effective trigger point therapy This unique guide takes an in-depth look at trigger point therapy. Split into two sections, it combines detailed theory with practical techniques. You will find comprehensive information on a broad spectrum of topics such as myofascial chains, the craniosacral model, and the classification, diagnosis, and therapy of trigger points.




  • Different models of muscle chains


  • Detailed explanations of trigger points and their treatment


  • Over 260 instructive illustrations and high-quality photographs



Featuring input from various different specialties, this outstanding book is an essential tool for osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors using trigger point therapy, and all others working in pain therapy. A clear layout and detailed anatomical drawings allow you to quickly improve your therapeutic skills. The result: accurate and effective pain therapy!


The Myths of Health Care: Towards New Models of Leadership and Management in the Healthcare Sector 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This provocative appraisal unpacks commonly held beliefs about healthcare management and replaces them with practical strategies and realistic policy goals. Using Henry Mintzberg’s “Myths of Healthcare” as a springboard, it reveals management practices that undermine care delivery, explores their cultural and corporate origins, and details how they may be reversed through changes in management strategy, organization, scale, and style. Tackling conventional wisdom about decision-making, cost-effectiveness, service quality, and equity, contributors fine-tune concepts of mission and vision by promoting collaboration, engagement, and common sense. The book’s multidisciplinary panel of experts analyzes the most popular healthcare management “myths,” among them:

·         The healthcare system is failing.

·         The healthcare system can be fixed through social engineering. ·         Healthcare institutions can be fixed by bringing in the heroic leader.

·         The healthcare system can be fixed by treating it more as a business.

·         Healthcare is rightly left to the private sector, for the sake of efficiency.

The Myths of Health Care speaks to a large, diverse audience: scholars of all levels interested in the research in health policy and management, graduate and under-graduate students attending courses in leadership and management of public sector organization, and practitioners in the field of health care.


A Practical Guide to Biomedical Research: for the Aspiring Scientist 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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About the Author

Population Health Management for Poly Chronic Conditions: Evidence-Based Research Approaches 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

Inspection of Medical Devices: For Regulatory Purposes (Series in Biomedical Engineering) 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

Ecotoxicology: A Comprehensive Treatment 1st Edition

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Integrating ecotoxicological concepts across a range of hierarchical levels, Ecotoxicology: A Comprehensive Treatment focuses on the paradigms and fundamental themes of ecotoxicology while providing the detail and practical application of concepts often found in more specialized books. By synthesizing the best qualities of a general textbook and the narrower, more specific scope of a technical reference, the authors create a volume flexible enough to cover a variety of instructional vantages and thorough enough to engender a respect for the importance of understanding and integrating concepts from all levels of biological organization.

Divided into six sections, the book builds progressively from the biomolecular level toward a discussion of effects on the global biosphere. It begins with the fundamentals of hierarchical ecotoxicology and vantages for exploring ecotoxicological issues. The second section introduces organismal ecotoxicology and examines effects to biochemicals, cells, organs, organ systems, and whole organisms, and bioaccumulation and bioavailability of contaminants. Population ecotoxicology, section three, places the discussion in the larger context of entire populations by analyzing epidemiology, population dynamics, demographics, genetics, and natural selection.

Section four encompasses issues of community ecotoxicology. This section presents biotic and abiotic factors influencing communities, biomonitoring and community response, and the application of multimetric and multivariate approaches. Section five evaluates the entire ecosystem by describing assessment approaches, identifying patterns, analyzing relationships between species, and reviewing the effects of global atmospheric stressors. A detailed conclusion integrating the concepts discussed and promoting a balanced assessment of the overarching paradigms rounds out the coverage in section six.


Obesity and Lung Disease: A Guide to Management (Respiratory Medicine)

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From the Back Cover

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