Liquid Biopsy in Urogenital Cancers and its Clinical Utility

Liquid Biopsy in Urogenital Cancers and its Clinical Utility

Liquid Biopsy in Urogenital Cancers and Their Clinical Utility presents updated information on liquid biopsy techniques and their utility for diagnosing urological cancers. As a promising and recent diagnostic method, these techniques can be used for identifying tumors at initial stage, thus greatly improving treatment outcomes and survivorship. Chapters provide an overview of liquid biopsy as a new tool for diagnosis, monitoring and personalized medicine in urogenital cancers and explain its applicability in different cancer types, including bladder, prostate, kidney and testis tumors, female genital tract and pediatric urogenital tumors.

This is a valuable resource for cancer researchers, oncologists, graduate students, urologists and biomedical researchers who need to understand more about liquid biopsy and its use for urogenital cancers.

  • Presents an overview on liquid biopsy techniques and their applications in cancer diagnosis
  • Explains how to extract circulating tumor DNA, RNA and circulating tumor cells and extracellular vehicles from blood samples to identify the urology cancers, including testis, prostate, bladder and kidney
  • Includes several images and schematic diagrams that illustrate content and facilitate its comprehension



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