Lange Basic Histology Flash Cards (LANGE FlashCards) 1st Edition

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Flashcards derived from one of the best histology texts ever published
Based on Junquira’s Basic Histology
“This elegant set of glossy, full-color histology flashcards is a joy to use….This is a wonderful resource for students of medicine and the life sciences. The author brings together high-resolution color images and essential information from the book in a practical format that will help students learn. Students become active learners. Learning histology becomes fun. These flash cards summarize the body of information that students need to know to understand the foundations of pathology and succeed on course and licensing examinations. This is one of the best flashcard products currently available for medical education.”–Doody’s Review Service
Junquira’s High-Yield Histology Flash Cards are a quick, fun, and fast way for you to review the clinical relevance between histological structure and function. Derived from Junquira’s Basic Histology, the field’s leading text and atlas, each of the cards features an image and a question on one side and the answer and commentary on the flip side.
- 200 cards per pack
- One side of the card includes an image with arrows asking you to identify specific areas; the flip side provides the answer and includes the medical relevance to the image on the front
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