John Murtagh’s Patient Education

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John Murtagh’s “Patient Education” is the essential aid for doctors in practice, general practice nurses, medical students, pharmacists and consumers needing accurate information in an age of internet selfishness. First published in 1992 and now in its sixth edition, it is the proven international standard for patient education material. Written in simple, non-technical language, information on each condition is presented in a concise and friendly single-page format so it can be easily photocopied and distributed to patients to help them understand and manage their medical condition. This edition includes 40 new information sheets, bringing the total number of subjects covered in the book close to 350, and existing sheets and illustrations have been updated with the latest information. Topics covered include, Depression in teenagers, Diabetes type 1 and type 2, Breastfeeding, Postnatal depression, Meningococcal meningitis, Prostrate problems, Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Anxiety.



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