Introducing Anaesthesia (Oxford Specialty Training) 1st Edition

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Introducing Anaesthesia is a must-have guide for new trainees beginning their specialty training in anaesthesia. It clearly explains the basics of anaesthetics including scientific principles, pharmacology and clinical practice as well as how to deal with common emergencies. The content addresses what a trainee needs to learn in the first three to six months of specialty training and maps to the Royal College of Anaesthetists’ Initial Assessment of Competency.
Designed to provide structured support and learning, Introducing Anaesthesia builds confidence via the inclusion of diagrams and videos which demonstrate techniques and competencies. Clearly written and focused on the initial hurdles which all newcomers to anaesthesia need to overcome, this is an indispensible guide to the the principles and techniques required for trainees to anaesthetize patients on their own and to pass workbased assessments.
This book is ideal for new anaesthetic trainees and for those responsible for their training, mentoring and assessment.Trainees in acute medicine and emergency medicine who need to gain experience in anaesthetics as well as nurses and operating department practitioners will find this text very useful.
download this book free here
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