Integrated Clinical Orthodontics 1st Edition

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Integrated Clinical Orthodontics provides an important new resource on the clinical interactions between the practice of orthodontics and other areas of clinical dentistry and medicine. Having at its heart the paradigm of patient-centred care, the book not only integrates the knowledge, skills, and experience of all the disciplines of dentistry and medicine, but also eases the work of orthodontists in arriving at an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan. Presented in a highly visual and practical format, Integrated Clinical Orthodontics uses clinical case presentations to illustrate the rationale and application of the integrated approach to a variety of clinical scenarios. Integrated Clinical Orthodontics covers areas of complexity in clinical orthodontics, specifically the role of the orthodontist as a member of a multidisciplinary team. The book outlines and details the management of congenital orofacial deformities, sleep disorders, esthetic smile creation and temporomandibular joint problems, and additionally and importantly includes specific protocols for effective communication with experts in other specialties.
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