Immunotherapy for Pediatric Malignancies 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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Immune Mediated Diseases: From Theory to Therapy (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)

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This volume includes contributions from the speakers of the Second IMD Congress (September 10-15, 2007; Moscow, Russia) who were eager to share some of the academic and clinical enthusiasm that defines the IMD meetings. The goal of the International Immune-Mediated Diseases: From Theory to Therapy (IMD) Congress is to bring the world’s best immunologists and clinicians to Moscow.


Challenging Cases in Allergic and Immunologic Diseases of the Skin

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From the Back Cover

Immunotherapy for Pediatric Malignancies 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia 1st ed

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About the Author

Immunbiologie: Eine Einführung (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edition)

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Wie funktioniert die Immunantwort? Was sind Effektorreaktionen? Verständlich und kompakt führt Jürgen Neumann Studenten der Biologie, Medizin, Biomedizin und Biochemie in die Immunbiologie ein. Darüber hinaus geht er auf aktuelle Themen ein, wie z.B. Autoimmunität, Allergie und AIDS sowie wesentliche Prinzipien der Immunität von Invertebraten und prinzipielle Fragen nach der Steuerung von Immunantworten. Für alle wissenschaftlich Interessierten, die über elementare Kenntnisse in Biologie und Biochemie verfügen, ist dieses Buch eine ideale Einführung. Einprägsame Tafelbilder veranschaulichen den Lehrstoff und vermitteln die Zusammenhänge.


Vaccine Science and Immunization Guideline: A Practical Guide for Primary Care 1st ed

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This book is a comprehensive resource on vaccines and immunizations for primary care physicians, advanced practice providers, and trainees.  We are now seeing a rise in measles and the potential for rises in other previously rare infectious diseases, significantly due to public and physician misconceptions and misinformation about vaccines. The text addresses this issue by consolidating historical and current advances in vaccine science from how vaccines are developed to CDC recommendations on how and when to administer them.  Expert authors also address barriers to improving vaccination rates in the U.S. and offer evidence-based recommendations on overcoming those barriers. This is an essential guide for primary care physicians, family physicians, pediatricians, internists, residents, medical students, mid-level providers, and learners for understanding vaccines and improving preventative care for their patients.


MHC Class I Antigens In Malignant Cells: Immune Escape And Response To Immunotherapy (SpringerBriefs in Cancer Research)

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Abnormal expression of MHC class I molecules in malignant cells is a frequent occurrence that ranges from total loss of all class I antigens to partial loss of MHC specific haplotypes or alleles. Different mechanisms are described to be responsible for these alterations, requiring different therapeutic approaches. A complete characterization of these molecular defects is important for improvement of the strategies for the selection and follow-up of patients undergoing T-cell based cancer immunotherapy.  Precise identification of the mechanism leading to MHC class I defects  will help to develop new personalized patient-tailored treatment protocols. There is significant new research on the prevalence of various patterns of MHC class I defects and the underlying molecular mechanisms in different types of cancer. In contrast, few data is available on the changes in MHC class I expression during the course of cancer immunotherapy, but the authors have recently made discoveries that show the progression or regression of a tumor lesion in cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy depends on the molecular mechanism responsible for the MHC class I alteration and not on the type of immunotherapy used. According to this notion, the nature of the preexisting MHC class I lesion in the cancer cell has a crucial impact on determining the final outcome of cancer immunotherapy. This SpringerBrief will present how MHC class 1 is expressed, explain its role in tumor progression, and its role in resistance to immunotherapy. ​


MIF Family Cytokines in Innate Immunity and Homeostasis (Progress in Inflammation Research) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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About the Author

Neuroimmune Pharmacology 1st Edition

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The chapters contained in this volume show scientific relationships among historically separated fields. This allows a unique opportunity for scientists and students to gain broad knowledge in disparate fields of clinical medicine and biomedical research. Overall, the text integrates cutting-edge neuroscience, immunology, pharmacology, neurogenetics, neurogenesis, gene therapy, adjuvant therapy, proteomics, and magnetic resonance imaging. It is a rich harvest and readers will gain a perspective that has not been readily available. Exposure to such a wealth of ideas is bound to inspire readers to undertake new and productive research initiatives. In summary, this is a volume not to be put on the shelf as a reference, but to be read cover to cover by aspiring neuroscientists. Dr. Patrick L. McGeer Professor Emeritus Kinsmen Laboratory of Neurological Research, University of British Columbia This exciting new textbook, Neuroimmune Pharmacology, reflects the history and vision of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology and of the Society s official publication, the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. All three represent deliberations arising from a relatively young, interdisciplinary, and dynamic field of research, which have major translational implications for neurodegenerative, neuroinflammatory, neuropsychiatric diseases, and infections of the nervous system. They all demonstrate the synergistic value of integrating the parts: Neuroscience, Immunology, and Pharmacology. The extraordinary accomplishment of Neuroimmune Pharmacology is its comprehensive nature. It will be enthusiastically welcomed by members of the Society and will serve as the definitive resource for all students and researchers interested in various topics that are so well covered in the book. Dr. Phillip K. Peterson President, Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota



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