Imaging Anatomy Brain and Spine
Imaging Anatomy Brain and Spine

Imaging Anatomy Brain and Spine
This richly illustrated and superbly organized text/atlas is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Written by global leaders in the field, Imaging Anatomy: Brain and Spine provides a thorough understanding of the detailed normal anatomy that underlies contemporary imaging. This must-have reference employs a templated, highly formatted design; concise, bulleted text; and state-of- the-art images throughout that identify the clinical entities in each anatomic area.
- Features more than 2,500 high-resolution images throughout, including 7T MR, fMRI, diffusion tensor MRI, and multidetector row CT images in many planes, combined with over 300 correlative full-color anatomic drawings that show human anatomy in the projections that radiologists use.
- Covers only the brain and spine, presenting multiplanar normal imaging anatomy in all pertinent modalities for an unsurpassed, comprehensive point-of-care clinical reference.
- Incorporates recent, stunning advances in imaging such as 7T and functional MR imaging, surface and segmented anatomy, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans, dopamine transporter (DAT) scans, and 3D quantitative volumetric scans.
- Places 7T MR images alongside 3T MR images to highlight the benefits of using 7T MR imaging as it becomes more widely available in the future.
- Presents essential text in an easy-to-digest, bulleted format, enabling imaging specialists to find quick answers to anatomy questions encountered in daily practice.
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