Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations, Tenth Edition 10th Edition

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In the five decades since its first publication, Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations has remained the pre-eminent text on diseases caused by work, universally recognized as the most authoritative source of information in the field. It is an important guide for doctors in all disciplines who may encounter occupational diseases in their practice, covering topics as diverse as work and stress, asbsetos-related disease, working at high altitude and major chemical incidents, many of which are highly topical.
The Tenth Edition of Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations has been fully revised and updated, presenting all practitioners considering an occupational cause for a patient’s condition with comprehensive coverage of work-related diseases as they present in modern and developing industralised societies. It draws on the wide-ranging and in-depth clinical knowledge and experience, and acadmic excellence, of top experts in the field.
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