Hughes’ Outline of Modern Psychiatry 5th Edition

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Hughes’ Outline of Psychiatry, Fifth Edition presents a comprehensive account of current practice in psychiatry, summarising up-to-date knowledge of the subject in a concise way.
Part I touches on general classification, causes and prevention of mental disorders. It also outlines the basics of the psychiatric interview, examination and investigation. Part II gives an overview of the most common clinical syndromes, covering frequency, epidemiology, causes, clinical features, clinical types, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis and treatment for each disorder. Part III focuses on all different treatment options, from Psychological Treatment to Psychosurgery.
- Fully up-to-date in respect to drugs and treatments, classification systems, and recent legal developments
- Concentrates on practical clinical techniques rather than psychiatric theory
- Includes plenty of case studies
- Format ideal for quick reference or revision
This new edition of a well-established and well-received book is an invaluable textbook for medical and psychology students, trainees and psychologists. It is also a helpful resource for mental health nurses, professionals working in health service management and occupational therapy, general practitioners, and other non-specialists who need grounding in all practical aspects of mental health care.
From the reviews of the previous edition:
“The chapters are well structured, maintaining a balance between remaining comprehensive and interesting. The addition of illustrative case histories is welcome… a highly recommended text” JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY
“…very easy to read and the general layout is excellent… useful as a quick summary…” THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY
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