Histology – An Essential Textbook
Histology – An Essential Textbook

Histology – An Essential Textbook
Histology: An Essential Textbook is a concise, multimedia study guide for medical students who need to learn the functions and related correlations of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body. Professor D.J. Lowrie, Jr. has written a unique and practical medical histology resource based on self-directed modules originally created to replace live histology laboratory sessions. This resource will help medical students learn how to identify histological structures on slide preparations and electron micrographs. Short videos by the author, who demonstrates structures via digitized histology slides, provide additional guidance.
Shorter, targeted concepts and brief explanations accompanied by numerous illustrations, self-assessment quizzes, and videos demonstrating key features of histological structures set this resource apart from existing, text-dense books.
Key Features
- Nearly 850 images, consisting primarily of electron and light micrographs, aid in identification of histological structures and long-term retention
- Correlation of histological structure with other basic science disciplines, such as gross anatomy, embryology, and pathology allows students to integrate material effectively
- Over 1000 online multiple choice questions and answers mirror exam topics students frequently encounter in curriculum and the USMLE®
- Nearly 375 videos provide a personal tutor that teaches students histological structures, while providing tips for proper identification
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