Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Seventh Edition 7th Edition

Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Seventh Edition 7th Edition
The definitive treatise on the subject of geriatrics, this comprehensive text combines gerontology principles with clinical geriatrics, offering a uniquely holistic approach to this ever-expanding area of medicine. Written by some of the world’s most respected geriatricians, Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Seventh Edition presents up-to-date, evidence-based information in a rich new full-color design. Unmatched as a textbook, this classic is also valuable to fellows in geriatric medicine.
Hazzards’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Seventh Edition is logically divided into five parts: Principles of Gerontology, Principles of Geriatrics, Geriatric Syndromes, Principles of Palliative Medicine, and Organ Systems and Diseases. Within its pages, you will find balanced, authoritative coverage of every essential topic – from evaluation and management to nutrition and palliative medicine.
Here’s why the Seventh Edition is the best edition ever:
• NEW full-color design with hundreds of color photographs
• NEW chapters: Quality of Care in Older Adults, Common Non-Pain Symptoms in Older Adults, Strategies of Effective Communication Around Advanced Illness, Palliative Medicine in the Continuum of Care Including Hospice, Coagulation Disorders, and Plasma Cell Disorders
• MORE chapters on Palliative Medicine
• NEW Learning Objectives and Key Points added to each chapter
• MORE tables, drawings, and clinical algorithms
• EVIDENCE-BASED through the use of the latest clinical practice guidelines , references to systemic reviews, and critically appraised topics
• UPDATED to reflect the most current clinical breakthroughs and advances for managing older adults in various settings
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