Handbook of Mindfulness: Culture, Context, and Social Engagement (Mindfulness in Behavioral Health) 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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This handbook explores mindfulness philosophy and practice as it functions in today’s socioeconomic, cultural, and political landscape. Chapters discuss the many ways in which classic concepts and practices of mindfulness clash, converge, and influence modern theories and methods, and vice versa. Experts across many disciplines address the secularization and commercialization of Buddhist concepts, the medicalizing of mindfulness in therapies, and progressive uses of mindfulness in education. The book addresses the rise of the, “mindfulness movement”, and the core concerns behind the critiques of the growing popularity of mindfulness. It covers a range of dichotomies, such as traditional versus modern, religious versus secular, and commodification versus critical thought and probes beyond the East/West binary to larger questions of economics, philosophy, ethics, and, ultimately, meaning.
- A compilation of Buddhist meditative practices.
- Selling mindfulness and the marketing of mindful products.
- A meta-critique of mindfulness critiques – from McMindfulness to critical mindfulness
- Mindfulness-based interventions in clinical psychology and neuroscience.
- Corporate mindfulness and usage in the workplace.
- Community-engaged mindfulness and its role in social justice.
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