Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies 2nd Edition
Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies 2nd Edition

Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies 2nd Edition
This revised and updated second edition of this medical book Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies continues to be an essential and “go-to” resource for the busy hematologist, hematologic oncologist, hematopathologist, oncology advanced practice provider, oncology nurse, and trainee. Concisely organized, each chapter provides the most current, need-to-know points of diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic management, and clinical trial opportunities for each hematological malignancy. Chapters are complete with richly illustrated figures to highlight the hematopathologic characteristics of diseases in addition to helpful tables on differential diagnosis, prognostic scoring systems, molecular profiles, and therapeutic options.
A new case-based chapter concludes the handbook with clinical cases designed to test a clinician’s knowledge of pathologic diagnosis and clinical presentation of diseases covered in the book. With over twenty new FDA-approved indications since publication of the first edition, including breakthroughs with CAR-T therapy, and other evidence-based treatment options for patients with hematologic disease, this book serves as quick reference to practice changing information on challenging diagnostic dilemmas, frontline and refractory treatment scenarios, and more.
The subspecialty field of hematologic oncology is ever-changing and expanding with available treatment options and this second edition keeps the busy clinician abreast of recent findings and their impact on evidence-based treatment and management. Written by experienced clinicians at the world-renowned Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, as well as contributions from leading academicians, hematologists, and oncologists throughout the country, this unique handbook is packed with authoritative knowledge and clinical insight into all known hematologic cancers.
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