Handbook of Blood Gas/Acid-Base Interpretation 2nd ed

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Handbook of Blood Gas/Acid-Base Interpretation, 2nd edition, simplifies concepts in blood gas/acid base interpretation and explains in an algorithmic fashion the physiological processes for managing respiratory and metabolic disorders. With this handbook, medical students, residents, nurses, and practitioners of respiratory and intensive care will find it possible to quickly grasp the principles underlying respiratory and acid-base physiology, and apply them. Uniquely set out in the form of flow-diagrams/algorithms charts, this handbook introduces concepts in a logically organized sequence and gradually builds upon them. The treatment of the subject in this format, describing processes in logical steps makes it easy for the reader to cover a difficult- and sometimes dreaded- subject rapidly.

From the Back Cover

Analysis of blood gas can be a daunting task. However, it is still one of the most useful laboratory tests in managing respiratory and metabolic disorders. Busy medical students have struggled ineffectively with Hasselbach’s modification of the Henderson equation, been torn between the Copenhagen and the Boston schools of thought; and lately, been confronted with the radically different strong-ion approach.

In modern medical practice, the health provider’s time is precious: it is crucial to retain focus on those aspects of clinical medicine that are of key importance. Adoption of an algorithm-based approach in the study of topics that are hard to understand (particularly those that are rooted in clinical physiology) can be extremely advantageous. Handbook of Blood Gas/Acid-Base Interpretation, 2nd edition, is organized in a logical sequence of flow charts that introduce concepts and gradually build upon them. This approach facilitates understanding and retention of the subject matter. Medical students, residents, nurses, and practitioners of respiratory and intensive care will find it possible to quickly grasp the principles underlying respiratory and acid-base physiology, and apply them effectively in clinical decision making.




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