Gross Anatomy: The Big Picture (LANGE The Big Picture) 1st Edition

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Get the BIG PICTURE of Gross Anatomy in the context of healthcare – and zero-in on what you really need to know to ace the course and board exams!
A Doody’s Core Title for 2015!
Gross Anatomy: The Big Picture is the perfect bridge between review and textbooks. With an emphasis on what you truly need to know versus “what’s nice to know,” it features 450 full-color illustrations that give you a complete, yet concise, overview of essential anatomy.
The book’s user-friendly presentation consists of text on the left-hand page and beautiful full-color illustrations on the right-hand page. In this way, you get a “big picture” of anatomy principles, delivered one concept at a time -– making them easier to understand and retain.
Striking the perfect balance between illustrations and text, Gross Anatomy: The Big Picture features:
- High-yield review questions and answers at the end of each chapter
- Numerous summary tables and figures that encapsulate important information
- 450 labeled and explained full-color illustrations
- A final exam featuring 100 Q&As
- Important clinically-relevant concepts called to your attention by convenient icons
- Bullets and numbering that break complex concepts down to easy-to-remember points
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