CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy, Third Edition (Lange Current) 3rd Edition

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Striking the perfect balance between comprehensiveness and ease of use, this popular entry in the CURRENT series delivers high-yield coverage of the entire spectrum of gastroenterology and hepatology in a streamlined, consistent presentation.


Pediatric Gastroenterology: A Color Handbook (Medical Color Handbook Series) 1st Edition

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Highly Commended, BMA Medical Book Awards 2015

During the past 20 years, there has been an explosion of clinical, basic science, and translational research leading to a better understanding of the physiology and disease processes in the gastrointestinal system of children. Endoscopic techniques have improved, correlation of radiographic and biopsy findings with disease have become better defined, and advances in transplant care have led to markedly improved survival, even in the smallest of infants.

Pediatric Gastroenterology: A Color Handbook explores the entirety of pediatric gastroenterology, including the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and associated nutrition, radiographic, and endoscopic considerations. It covers a large number of diverse topics and provides a basic overview of pediatric gastrointestinal disease.

The book presents multitude of endoscopic, histologic, and radiographic images as well as illustrations and metabolic pathways to convey a better understanding of disease processes. It also includes a list of recommended readings provided by the chapter authors, giving you a solid introduction to pediatric gastroenterology.


Textbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guide to Practice 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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This textbook provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the major issues specific to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. The first part of the book, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, presents in a systematic way the overall scope of issues encountered by children (newborn to teenagers) suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and/or presenting nutritional issues. These chapters are structured in logical sections to facilitate consultation and include major topics ranging from congenital disorders to gastrointestinal problems of the newborn, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and approach to nutritional problems in the various pediatric ages. The second part of the book, Hepatology, is articulated in a series of chapters which present a comprehensive review of congenital and acquired disorders of the biliary tract and liver. This section also includes a critical analysis of available diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and future perspectives.

Written by experts in the field, Textbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guide to Practice constitutes a much needed, innovative resource combining updated, reliable and comprehensive information with agile consultation for a streamlined approach to the care of children with such disorders


Neuro-Immuno-Gastroenterology 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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This book addresses important issues regarding the interaction between the nervous system, the immune system, and the digestive system. Gut flora has a profound influence on the shaping of the immune response, not only in the gastrointestinal system but also in the nervous system. Fascinatingly, manipulation of intestinal immune responses can be used to modulate neurological disease. Conversely, the nervous system and the psyche have significant effects on the functioning of the gut and liver.

After introductory chapters on the neurology, the immunology and microbiology of the gut, the effects of the gut immune system and gut flora and its manipulation on neurological disease are discussed, followed by molecular mimicry and immune tolerance in neuroimmune diseases. Additionally, several chapters deal with gastrointestinal manifestations of neurological diseases.

Neuro-Immuno-Gastroenterology is aimed at neurologists, gastroenterologists, and immunologists.



Textbook of Hepato-Gastroenterology 1st Edition

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This book is a complete and practical guide to the management of gastrointestinal and liver disorders. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific disorder and topics include peptic ulcers, gastric cancer, Hepatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis and liver disease. Each disease is explained in depth, covering its pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. The comprehensive text is enhanced by high quality clinical photographs, tables and figures. Key points * Comprehensive guide to management of gastrointestinal and liver disorders * Presents numerous disorders, their physiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment * Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, tables and figures * Invaluable, practical reference for trainees and practising gastroenterologists


Yamada’s Textbook of Gastroenterology, 2 Volume Set 6th Edition

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Yamada’s Textbook of Gastroenterology has for 20 years been the most comprehensive gastroenterology reference book, combining an encyclopaedic basic science approach to GI and liver disease with the latest clinical thinking, especially in diagnostic and therapeutic developments.  It is universally respected across the globe.

The original outstanding editorial team was led by Tadataka Yamada, MD, one of the world’s leading figures in GI research. As in previous editions, the new textbook reflects the collective efforts of the editors and a hugely impressive team of contributors, who are each experts in their specific areas.

Now with another world leader in gastroenterology as Editor-in-Chief, Daniel K. Podolsky MD, President and Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, together with a stellar group of associate editors, the 6th edition of this iconic textbook has been expanded and enhanced in many ways with new content and technology.


Colorectal Surgery: Clinical Care and Management 1st Edition

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Using a case-based approach, Colorectal Surgery: Clinical Care and Management provides practical, clinical and expert guidance to illustrate the best care and clinical management of patients requiring colorectal surgery for colorectal disease.

Real-life cases illustrate the entire syllabus of GI/colorectal surgery, being specially selected to highlight topical or controversial aspects of colorectal care.  Cases have a consistent approach throughout and as well as outlining the actual management of each individual case, also offer an honest appraisal of the chosen management route, its successes and areas that could have been managed differently.   Pedagogic features such as learning and decision points boxes aid rapid understanding/learning, enabling the reader to improve their patient management.

In full colour and containing over 100 outstanding clinical photos and slides to support the cases, each section also covers recent developments/ landmark papers/ scoring systems and a thorough discussion of clinical management based on the major society guidelines from NICE, ASCRS and ECCO.

Reliable, well-written and perfect for consultation in the clinical setting,  Colorectal Surgery: Modern Clinical Care and Management is the perfect tool for all members of the multi-disciplinary team managing patients suffering from colorectal disease, specifically GI surgeons, gastroenterologists, oncologists and general surgeons.


Laparoscopic Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Surgery: Textbook and Illustrated Video Atlas 1st Edition

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Laparoscopic Liver, Pancreas and Biliary Surgery: Textbook and Illustrated Video Atlas is the perfect learning tool for all surgeons managing patients requiring advanced liver, pancreas and biliary surgery minimally invasively.

This highly immersive text and video atlas will provide surgeons from trainee to advanced levels of practice, including, general surgeons, hepato-pacreatico-biliary surgeons, transplant surgeons and surgical oncologists, with a step-by-step, multi-media teaching atlas on performing laparoscopic liver surgery, anatomically correct, safely and effectively.

The atlas will teach the surgeons to perform anatomic liver resections of each liver segment expertly and logically, and will cover lobectomies, extended resections, advanced laparoscopic pancreas surgery (including Whipple) and other procedures. A special emphasis is placed on reproducibility of excellence in surgical technique.

Each video will be supported by outstanding illustrations for each technique and 3D renderings of the relevant anatomy. The educational step-by step high-definition videos teach everything you need to know, including critical aspects like patient positioning, port placement, dissection and much more.

Led by the pioneers in laparoscopic liver, pancreas and biliary surgery, Brice Gayet and Claudius Conrad, the textbook-chapters will be authored by world experts and will contain surgical tips and tricks garnered from their unique experiences, to improve care, management of complications, relevant society guidelines and excellence in oncologic care for patients with hepato-pancreato-biliary cancers.


Difficult Decisions in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery

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This book is part of a series covering surgical specialties.  The volumes are multi-authored, containing brief chapters, each of which are devoted to one or two specific questions or decisions within that specialty that are difficult or controversial.  The volumes are intended as a current and timely reference source for practicing surgeons, surgeons in training, and educators that describe the recommended ideal approach, rather than customary care, in selected clinical situations.


The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery 3rd ed. 2016 Edition

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This third edition text provides a completely revised and updated new version of this unique, modern, practical text that covers the strategic evaluation, specific approaches, and detailed management techniques utilized by expert colorectal surgeons caring for patients with complex problems–whether they result from underlying colorectal disease or from complications arising from previous surgical therapy. The format follows that of both a “how to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guide to allow the reader to understand the thought process behind the proposed treatment strategy. By making use of evidence-based recommendations, each chapter includes not only background information and diagnostic/therapeutic guidelines, but also provides a narrative by the author on his/her operative technical details and perioperative “tips and tricks” that they utilize in the management of these complex surgical challenges. Distinctive to this book, is the reliance on experts in the field including past presidents of the ASCRS, as well as multiple other national and internationally recognized surgeons, to lend their personal insight into situations where data may be more sparse, but individual and collective experience is paramount to making sound decisions and thereby optimizing patient outcomes. The text includes chapters on the assessment of risk and methods utilized to minimize perioperative complications. In addition, it incorporates sections covering the medical and surgical therapies for abdominal, pelvic and anorectal disease. Moreover, the technical challenges of managing complications resulting from the original or subsequent operations is addressed. The underlying focus throughout the text is on providing pragmatic and understandable solutions that can be readily implemented by surgeons of varying experience to successfully treat complex colorectal problems. However, it also goes beyond the technical aspects of colorectal surgery and includes special sections highlighting the essence of a surgeon; covering aspects involving the medical-legal, ethical, and economic challenges confronting surgeons. Throughout the text, each author provides an ongoing narrative of his/her individual surgical techniques along with illustrations and diagrams to “personally” take the reader through the crucial steps of the procedure, and key points of patient care inherent to that topic. Additionally, where appropriate, links to online videos give the reader an up-front look into technical aspects of colorectal surgery.


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