Zakim and Boyer’s Hepatology: A Textbook of Liver Disease, 7e 7th Edition

Get the authoritative, up-to-date information you need on liver disease from the 7th Edition of the most trusted reference worldwide. Covering both basic science and recent clinical developments, this revised edition by Drs. Arun J. Sanyal, Thomas D. Boyer, Norah A. Terrault, and Keith D. Lindor, provides an in-depth, comprehensive look at the pathophysiology, diagnostic, and treatment information related to the liver. More than 1,100 figures and tables, many new and in full color, highlight completely updated content throughout.

    • Expert, international authorship and comprehensive, easy-to-access information makes this edition the gold standard in the field of hepatology.


  • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, videos, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
    • Includes new information on the rapid changes in treatment paradigms for acute liver failure, the latest treatments for primary biliary cholangitis, full coverage of the gut microbiome and its role in liver disease, the newest developments in drug-induced liver injury, and changes in hepatitis C virus treatment and hot-button concerns about access to care.


    • New summary boxes at the end of each chapter and a newly streamlined table of contents make it easier to find and understand the information you’re looking for.


  • Hundreds of brand-new illustrations clearly present key aspects of liver disease.


Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: The Lapco Manual 1st Edition

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This unique reference in laparoscopic colorectal surgery starts by looking at the establishment of the Lapco training programme in the UK. It then goes on to provide a comprehensive technical manual of operative and patient care for laparoscopic colorectal surgery, offers insight into training and assessment methodology and finally looks to the future and where we may be going. It shares knowledge of a unique training programme which healthcare systems worldwide are trying to emulate, and provides an up-to-date manual of know-how from some of the world’s most experienced laparoscopic colorectal trainers.


Managing Gastrointestinal Complications of Diabetes 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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An ideal clinical handbook for medical professionals that regularly treat patients with diabetes and comorbid gastrointestinal complications. The concise format provides evidence-based content with a targeted emphasis on diagnosis, as up to 75% of patients visiting diabetes clinics report significant gastrointestinal symptoms. Includes guidelines for complication prevention, treatment, and long-term disease management.

About the Author

Professor Joseph H Sellin is the Chief of Gastroenterology at the Ben Taub Hospital, at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. His primary research interests include dietary influences on the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory bowel disease, and regulation of colonic proliferation. Professor Sellin is a member of numerous professional societies, including American Gastroenterological Association, American College of Gastroenterology, Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America, and American Society for Clinical Investigation.


Emergencies in Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1st Edition

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An easily accessible guide to diagnosing and managing critical situations, Emergencies in Gastroenterology and Hepatology aids doctors in dealing with acutely sick patients quickly and effectively. The book provides practical advice on how to make difficult decisions in an emergency situation. Areas covered include life and death emergencies, as well as the broad problems faced by on-call Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists on a daily basis. The focus throughout is on immediate management, but the book also includes reference to long term follow up for certain problems.

Each chapter has an associated algorithm, which summarises the contents of the chapter, providing an aide memoir for the reader and facilitating learning, as well as being a quick reference tool. Bullet-point information for speed and clarity combined with the integral cross-referencing system, further enables quick access to the necessary information.


Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: General and Surgical Pathology 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book covers all liver tumors and lesions that clinically and radiologically mimic liver tumors. It provides readers with a comprehensive overview of this complex and rapidly evolving field. All aspects of surgical pathology are addressed, supplemented by detailed presentations of the lesions’ cell-biologic and molecular features. In addition, the methods employed for diagnosis and diagnostic algorithms are discussed. It appeals to pathologists and hepatologists and serves as an invaluable aid to diagnosis.
The field of liver tumors and tumor-like lesions in adults and children has experienced tremendous advances in recent years. Specifically, the recognition of novel entities, deepened insights into known tumors, and refinement of classifications have necessitated continual updates and reappraisals. In addition, previous understanding of hepatic carcinogenesis and tumor progression has been transformed by the very rapid evolution of our understanding of cell biology, genomics, signaling pathways, cell interactions, and mechanisms of invasion and spread of hepatic tumor cells. These general pathology issues must be combined with surgical pathology if a comprehensive understanding of liver tumor pathology is to be achieved.


Multidisciplinary Management of Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer: Early Diagnosis and Treatment 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book focuses on early diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment, which is the key to preventing the occurrence of the liver metastases in colorectal cancer, and to increasing the resection rate of the liver metastasis foci and the 5-year survival after surgery.

This book is divided into five parts: the introduction, basics, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. It has 20 chapters in total, covering the latest advances in colorectal cancer liver metastases epidemiology, pathogenesis, molecular diagnostics, marker screening, imaging technology, surgery, chemotherapy and prevention, etc. It provides professionals with up-to-date and comprehensive information on colorectal liver metastases. This book is relevant for senior surgeons and physicians working in oncology, general surgery, chemotherapy, digestive medicine, liver medicine and hepatic surgery.


Liver Regeneration” ed. by Pedro M. Baptista

This book describes some of the complex mechanisms involved in liver regeneration and provides examples of the most up-to-date strategies used to induce liver regeneration, both in the clinic and in the laboratory. The information presented will hopefully benefit not only professionals in the liver field, but also people in other areas of science (pharmacology, toxicology, etc) that wish to expand their knowledge of the fundamental biology that orchestrates liver injury and regeneration.

Section 1 Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Regeneration
1 Hepatocytes and Progenitor – Stem Cells in Regeneration and Therapy
2 Liver Progenitor Cells, Cancer Stem Cells and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
3 Hepatic Progenitors of the Liver and Extra-Hepatic Tissues
4 Possible Roles of Nuclear Lipids in Liver Regeneration
5 Matrix Restructuring During Liver Regeneration is Regulated by Glycosylation of the Matrix Glycoprotein Vitronectin
6 The Protective Effect of Antioxidants in Alcohol Liver Damage
Section 2 Animal Models of Liver Regeneration
7 Analbuminemic Rat Model for Hepatocvte Transplantation
8 Rodent Models with Humanized Liver: A Tool to Study Human Pathogens
9 Liver Parenchyma Regeneration in Connection with Extended Surgical Procedure – Experiment on Large Animal
Section 3 Transplantation, Cell Therapies and Liver Bioengineering
10 Liver Transplantation in the Clinic – Progress Made During the Last Three Decades
11 Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Liver Regeneration
12 Cell Based Therapy for Chronic Liver Disease: Role of Fetal Liver Cells in Restoration of the Liver Cell Functions
13 Liver Regeneration and Bioengineering – The Emergence of Whole Organ Scaffolds


Complexities in Colorectal Surgery: Decision-Making and Management 1st ed. 2014, Corr. 2nd printing 2014 Edition

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Complexities in Colorectal Surgery: Decision-Making and Management provides a unique, modern, practical guide that covers the strategic evaluation, specific approaches, and detailed management techniques utilized by expert Colorectal Surgeons caring for patients with complex problems―whether they result from underlying colorectal disease or from complications arising from previous surgical therapy. The text is formatted as both a “how-to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guide allowing the reader to understand the thought process behind the proposed treatment strategies. By making use of evidence-based recommendations, each chapter will include not only diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines, but also a narrative by the author on his/her operative technical details and perioperative “tips and tricks” that they utilize in the management of these complex surgical challenges. This test includes chapters on the assessment of risk and nutritional intervention methods utilized to minimize perioperative complications. In addition, sections on medical and surgical therapies for abdominal, pelvic and anorectal disease are incorporated. Moreover, the technical challenges of managing complications resulting from the original or subsequent operations is addressed. The underlying focus throughout the text is to provide pragmatic and understandable solutions that can be readily implemented by surgeons of varying experience to successfully treat complex colorectal problems. The text also goes beyond the technical aspects of Colorectal Surgery and includes special sections highlighting the essence of a surgeon. These include chapters describing the importance of the first encounter, building patient rapport, and demonstrating confidence and competence while showing humility and avoiding arrogance. Additionally, aspects involving the medical-legal, ethical, and economic challenges confronting surgeons are covered.


Esophageal Cancer and Barrett’s Esophagus 3rd Edition

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Esophageal Cancer and Barrett’s Esophagus, 3E, focuses on these two common and key conditions that affect the esophagus, providing expert guidance to their pathogenesis, cause, prevention, diagnosis and clinical management.

Top international names in the field examine each of the many issues involved, using the very latest evidence-based research, and clear, didactic advice allows the reader to understand the best methods of diagnosis and clinical management of each condition – whether early or late stage.

Well-illustrated and fully revised to include the latest in ACG/ASG/UEGW guidelines, it is the perfect consultation tool for gastroenterologists and oncologists managing patients with cancer of the esophagus.  It is also ideal for teaching residents and fellows optimum patient management, and for identifying areas requiring future research.


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