FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices

FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices

The book ‘Antibiotic Essentials’ comprises of eleven chapters that provide therapeutic recommendations are based on the contributors’ clinical expertise and experience as well as the literature and clinical guidelines. First chapter provides overview of antimicrobial therapy that includes antibiotic selection as well as its dosing. Second chapter discusses empiric therapy for conditions, such as CNS infections, HEENT infections, lower respiratory tract infections, cardiovascular infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, genitourinary tract infections, etc. Third chapter tabulate antibiotic susceptibility profiles and initial therapy of isolates. Fourth chapter highlights parasites, fungi and other unusual organism that inhabits different parts of the body. Fifth chapter describes HIV infection; sixth chapter is on prophylaxis and immunizations; seventh chapter describes pediatric infectious diseases and chapter eight is chest X-ray atlas. Rest three chapter are on the differential diagnosis of infectious disease; antibiotic pearls & pitfalls and antimicrobial drug summaries, respectively.



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