Essentials of Hospital Neurology 1st Edition

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Essentials of Hospital Neurology is a concise and practical guide to the diagnosis and management of neurologic disorders commonly encountered in hospital practice. This book discusses the business of hospital neurology, problem-oriented approaches to diagnosis, clinical details of important neurologic disorders that may be seen in the ER and inpatient settings, and key diagnostic and management strategies. This text focuses on practical management, making this an excellent source for the neurologist at any level from the resident to fellow to practicing physician. Medicine hospitalists and hospital-based mid-level providers will find this a useful resource for guiding care of their patients with neurologic conditions.
Key Features of Essentials of Hospital Neurology
· Incorporates up-to-date guidelines and best practices for neurologic hospital care;
· Extensive use of bulleted lists, tables, and flowcharts;
· Noted academic coauthors of selected sections for subspecialty expertise;
· Provides key references and recommended readings; and
· Includes critical reference material such as assessment scales, neurologic diagnostic tests, and guides to management of social and ethical issues.
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