Essentials of Clinical Immunology: includes Wiley e-Text

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Essentials of Clinical Immunology provides the most up–to–date, core information required to understand diseases with an immunological basis. Clinically focussed, the sixth edition of this classic text presents theoretical and practical information in a simple yet thorough way.
Essentials of Clinical Immunology covers the underlying pathophysiology, the signs and symptoms of disease, the investigations required and guidance on the management of patients.
Perfect for clinical medical students, junior doctors and medical professionals seeking a refresher in the role of immunology in clinical medicine, this comprehensive text features fully updated clinical information, boxes with key points, real–life case histories to illustrate key concepts and an index of contents at the start of each chapter.
A companion website at provides additional learning tools, including more case studies, interactive multiple–choice questions and answers, all of the photographs and illustrations from the book, links to useful websites, and a selection of review articles from the journalClinical and Experimental Immunology.
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