Essential Practical Prescribing (Essentials) 1st Edition

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Essential Practical Prescribing is an important new textbook with a clinical, ward-based focus. It is specifically designed to help new foundation doctors working on the hospital wards and in the community, as well as medical students preparing for the Prescribing Safety Assessment.
Using an accessible format, Essential Practical Prescribing demonstrates how to manage common medical conditions, and explains the logic behind each decision. It also emphasises common pitfalls leading to drug errors, and highlights drugs that could cause harm in certain situations. Organised by hospital department, it outlines the correct management of conditions, as well as highlighting the typical trials of a junior doctor.
Essential Practical Prescribing:
- Contains a range of learning methods within each chapter including: key topics, learning objectives, case studies, DRUGS checklists, “Top-Tips”, advice on guidelines and evidence, and key learning points
- Uses patient histories to set the scene and enhance the clinical emphasis
- Offers examples of correctly completed drug charts throughout, which are also available online
- Is an ideal companion for Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) preparation
- Includes a companion website at featuring MCQs and downloadable DRUGS checklists and drug charts
Download this book free here
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