Essential Paediatrics and Child Health 4th Edition
Essential Paediatrics and Child Health 4th Edition

Essential Paediatrics and Child Health 4th Edition
This medical book Essential Paediatrics and Child Health is a comprehensive and practical guide to paediatric disorders as they present to the student and practitioner, offering step-by-step guidance on symptom assessment, history taking, physical examination, investigation and diagnosis, management and treatment, patient education, follow-up and prognosis. With full-colour images and a range of unique and innovative learning features, this completely revised new edition of the award-winning book Paediatrics and Child Health will prove an invaluable resource for medical students and junior doctors on their journey through contemporary paediatrics.
- Organises paediatric disorders into system-based chapters for easy navigation, with symptom-based and integrative discussions of all the important diseases and disabilities in paediatrics
- Combines up-to-date descriptions of the latest in basic and clinical science with the core competencies expected of students in paediatric rotations
- Self-directed learning is made easy by means of navigation diagrams, tables, key-point and “at-a-glance” boxes, links to guidelines and other summary aids
- Sections on student experience, self-assessment, doing well in paediatric clinical placements and preparing for examinations and OSCEs
- Includes a completely new introduction with perspectives on the nature of paediatrics and how best to become engaged and immersed within it, and new content on communication, national guidelines, imaging techniques, genetics and epigenetics, prescribing for children toxicology, the latest advances in diagnosing and treating disease, and much more
- Provides a companion website containing physical examination instruction videos, a complete set of interactive patient scenarios and multiple-choice questions
Essential Paediatrics and Child Health is the ideal companion for medical students and junior doctors to succeed in their studies and clinical practice.
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